Global Activism

Raising Consciousness Towards a New World 

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."
Sri Chinmoy Ghose 


Zeitgeist the Movie 2007 

Even one action is a start.  When all of us come together as a collective,
change proves promising towards a new world filled with peace.

EXPOSE THE FED CARTEL - Boycott Citibank, JP Morgan Chase and Bank of America
BOYCOTT THE NEWS NETWORKS - Use and protect the Internet.
BOYCOTT THE MILITARY - Wars have no place in our lives and on our planet.
BOYCOTT THE ENERGY COMPANIES - Get off the grid and make your home and car self-sustainable.
REJECT THE POLITICAL SYSTEM - Focus on working to dissolve the outdated system of politics in favor of technological redesign.

The Real Revolution is the Revolution of Consciousness

The Orion Project is a not-for-profit corporation created to transform the current energy, environmental and social crisis into a world of sustainability and enlightened abundance.
WakeUpWalmart America's Campaign to Change Walmart. Say YES to change.

Organic Consumers Association  Campaigning for Health, Justice, Sustainability, Peace and Democracy
Natural Solutions Foundation  Health Freedom Threats: Codex, FDA, Vaccinations, GMOs
"The Natural Solutions Foundation is an exempt international NGO (non-governmental organization). The Mission of the Foundation is to discover, develop, demonstrate and disseminate natural solutions to the problems facing us and threatening our health and freedom. Since its founding in 2004, the Natural Solutions Foundation has pursued a vigorous program on many fronts, including natural solutions to significant social problems involving health and wellness. We consider health freedom to be part of those solutions. The threats to health and freedom are both domestic and international, as are the solutions." 

Protect Health Freedom  A Citizen's Petition
"We invite you to join the other Americans who treasure their ability to make decisions about their health for themselves and become part of the health freedom movement to preserve that right. Unfortunately, sitting idly by will not help us win.  But the passion, devotion, creativity and participation of every single person who joins us is absolutely essential to our success. You matter and your voice really does count.  If enough Americans take the steps then the sum of our actions will raise a roar for health freedom across the nation. It’s simple, really: do what you know is right and there will be an army of us doing what we all know is right."

Human Rights Stand Up For Your Rights and Animal Rights  Support Animal Welfare. Care2 Make a Difference website.

U.S. Government Admits to Inadequate 
Slaughterhouse Regulation 

Health Topics - H1N1 - Vaccines and More

"Truth in all its kinds is most difficult to win and 
truth in medicine is the most difficult of all."
Peter Mere Latham

The first half of this post is vaccine related.  Other health topics will be posted as warranted.  Be informed that as time passes, WHO, Big Pharma and affiliates could create false 'pandemics' that may force people into taking their highly toxic vaccine cocktails.  After you have perused the information and watched the videos, decide whether the influenza vaccine as well as other vaccines are in the best interest for you and your family.

UPDATE:  H1N1 March 2011

New H1N1 Mutation Could Allow Virus to Spread More Easily

 UPDATE:  Seasonal Flu Vaccine July 2010

 Flu vaccine push already underway; first batch causes seizures in children. Read the article here. 

Stop the Seasonal Flu Vax 
"There is a significant possibility that we face another "flu season" (created in our opinion by the voodoo "science" of vaccination) with pandemic  potential. Yes, it is true that FDA has already approved the admixing of the "novel' H1N1 2009 influenza vaccine into the "regular" seasonal flu vaccine!  Neither of these vaccines have been subjected to any significant, independent third party or government safety testing."

UPDATE:  H1N1 December 2009 
Canadian blog site lists H1N1 vaccine reactions from those who have received it. These reports are not considered legitimate, (according to the WHO) and are not being publicized in the mainstream media. 
January 2010 H1N1 Update: Thousands of Americans died from H1N1 even after receiving vaccine shots
Nano Particles used in Untested H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine
DO NOT take the poisonous vaccine nor any of the "newer" ones. Vaccines cause many common and "mysterious" illnesses we have in the U.S. AND.... 
Guillain Barre syndrome, a disabling neurological disease: 
"Don't Inject Me" a hip-hop song that reaches out to young folks- by Mike Adams 
Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder 
A Shot in the Dark: Why the P in the DPT vaccination may be hazardous to your child's health: (book excerpt) 
Swine Flu Virus and Vaccines Part 2

Another cause for concern the HPV vaccine (Human Papilloma Virus) Your Childs Death Will be a Coincidence and No One is Liable Gardasil vaccine for adolescent girls (9 + yrs. old) and young women.  Mothers of daughters please do not allow your girls to get this vaccine!  Recently, the FDA approved this vaccine for boys. They are surely out of their minds. Gardasil causes 400 Percent More Deaths than Other Common Vaccine

1-  Take a GIANT step further-- Support the "Stop the Shot" Emergency Citizens Petition. No one should be coerced into getting this vaccine and other questionable vaccines.  Sign the petition - click on "Stop the Shot" link above. 

UPDATE:  October 2009

What Pandemic?  The "Stop the Shot" push back petition proved successful. Read the victorious outcome.
 Protection From Compulsory Vaccination, Drugging Your Right to Self - Shield! 
 Protect your health freedom - Take responsibility - Be proactive - This is a petition. 

Big Pharma's Newest Fabricated Disease  FSD Female Sexual Dysfunction. To be viewed by those over 18. Viagra for Women?
- Whatever course you decide upon, there is always 
someone to tell you that you are wrong.
- There are always difficulties arising which tempt you 
to believe that your critics are right.
- To map out a course of action and follow it 
to an end requires courage.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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